David O’Regan helps professionals get what they want through better communication. We have collaborated together on a fundraiser for a global COVID fund and also at a VoxxedDays tech conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. Witty, charming, and an authentic empath He is easily one of my favorite humans. I caught up with David on “1 Luckygirliegirl” and you get to be a fly-on-the-wall for our conversation. I hope you like this episode of “1 Luckygirliegirl” with David O’Regan where we discuss the 3 types of empathy, a tragic story of skiing, and becoming a qualified pirate on the Aegean Sea.
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In this episode:
Meet Christina Aldan for the first time and you will feel as if you have known her all your life. she is proof that you can Create Your Luck with perseverance and a desire to learn.