47 – Online Education

47 – Online Education

47 – Online Education


Video Based Learning.

Udacity [www.udacity.com] and edX [www.edx.org] have collaborated with companies or universities to develop some of their course content, where other sites such as Udemy [www.udemy.com] or Skillshare [www.skillshare.com] allow anyone to become an instructor, develop their course, and post it to their site for purchase.

Additional Sites: Coursera.com, MediaBistro.com, Lynda.com

Learning to Code

If you’re looking to hone your coder skills, there are many options to find courses specific to helping you learn to code. Code School [https://www.codeschool.com/] has created a unique way of learning by adding entertaining content and a sense of gaming to their courses.  Other sites include Code Academy [http://www.codeacdemy.com/], Free Code Camp [https://www.freecodecamp.com/] or W3Schools [https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp].


Another great way to fit in learning is to use an APP. iTunes U [https://itunesu.itunes.apple.com/coursemanager/] has one of the best collection of free courses out there. They offer a varied mix of courses from a standalone class to a series of courses about a topic. You will find that much of the content is from actual Universities and many of the courses include lecture notes and homework.

Extended Education from Universities

Many universities have extended their courses online. 

MIT – http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm

Yale – http://oyc.yale.edu/ 

UCLA – https://www.uclaextension.edu/r/search.aspx?c=free+courses

Stanford –

Berkley – http://webcast.berkeley.edu/

Free Online Courses or Email

http://education-portal.com/ A portal that searches the web to find a listing of free courses.

My Copyblogger [http://my.copyblogger.com] 


No matter what route you go with for online learning, there are countless options to choose from that provide first-rate content, with an ease of learning at your own pace.

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