Barbie is a Reiki & Seichem Master and as a Crystal Alchemist has combined these Energy modalities to heighten the…
Video Based Learning. Udacity [] and edX [] have collaborated with companies or universities to develop some of their course content,…
Alexia Vernon joins Luckygirl, Christina Aldan. Alexia's bio from her website Branded a "Moxie Maven" by the White House…
Missy Day is a Certified John C. Maxwell Trainer/Speaker and Coach, Certified Fish! Philosophy Trainer and Certified in the Six…
Becky Stonebarger chats with Christina Aldan about The benefits and tips for networking. Becky is the FOUNDER of Business Connections…
Lisa Ulshafer has been a life coach for the past 11 years whose work attracts a multitude of entrepreneurs because…