Barbie is a Reiki & Seichem Master and as a Crystal Alchemist has combined these Energy modalities to heighten the…
Video Based Learning. Udacity [] and edX [] have collaborated with companies or universities to develop some of their course content,…
Alexia Vernon joins Luckygirl, Christina Aldan. Alexia's bio from her website Branded a "Moxie Maven" by the White House…
Missy Day is a Certified John C. Maxwell Trainer/Speaker and Coach, Certified Fish! Philosophy Trainer and Certified in the Six…
Christina Aldan from offers tips on two important topics for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs - Social Media Dos and Don'ts…
Becky Stonebarger chats with Christina Aldan about The benefits and tips for networking. Becky is the FOUNDER of Business Connections…