The FierceWomen Project

Choose a school below to become a mentor and share your career story:

FierceWomen TV is now online! Watch it LIVE! on every fourth Monday at 11:00am Pacific

Do you have a future FierceWomen in your life? Host your own VisionBook party for her and her friends! Visit Amazon and get a VisionBook for a future FierceWoman in your family!

FierceWomen Project™ is a platform which brings together strong women leaders from diverse backgrounds to share their stories to inspire and empower young women and girls, and help them create a vision of their “future selves.” We are now in 4 states, including middle school curricula, Boys & Girls Clubs, S.T.E.A.M. groups, and more!

FierceWomen also engages men to actively support women and girls, and invest in their success.

The three core elements are: leadership development, mentoring, and men as allies.

Join the FierceWomen Movement!

We are looking for:

  1. FierceWomen mentors willing to share the story of their career with young girls. Click below to sign up in the Las Vegas area.

  2. FierceFacilitators™ to host their own VisionBook Workshop Series. After-school programs, mentorship groups, aunts who want to inspire their nieces… ANYONE who is excited to get certified as a FierceFacilitator and help young girls envision what is possible for their future careers. Contact Christina here.

  3. Companies willing to sponsor a group’s VisionBooks. Contact us here.

  4. Investors who want to help us scale up. Contact us here.